Whether you are a first-time home buyer, a veteran of many years of mortgage payments and house upkeep, a condo owner or an apartment dweller, your household is one of some 90 million in the United States. Chances are your home is your single most expensive budget item and—for the home or condo owner—your most valuable investment. Homeowners insurance is a package policy that covers both property—structures  and personal possessions—and liability. But do you understand what's covered? 


Homeowners coverage: Owner-occupied houses – can be primary or secondary/seasonal like a vacation home. The coverage includes the dwelling, other structures on the property, contents/personal belongings, loss of use-pays for your living expenses in case the house is damaged by a covered event, and personal liability coverage.

Dwelling coverage: For landlords-short-term and long-term rentals. The coverage includes the dwelling, other structures on the property, contents/personal belongings, rents-in case the house is damaged by a covered event and cannot be occupied by the tenant, and property liability coverage.

Condominium coverage: Either owner-occupied or landlord. The coverage includes the interior of the condominium from the interior walls in (most condominium associations cover the structure), contents/personal belongings, loss of use or rents-in case the house is damaged by a covered event and cannot be occupied, and personal or property liability coverage.

Renters coverage: For tenants-whether you rent an apartment, house or condominium. The coverage includes contents/personal belongings and personal liability coverage.